TEWKSBURY – Chief Ryan Columbus is pleased to report that all licensed liquor stores were in full compliance with alcohol sales laws during a recent random check.

In early May all licensed establishments were notified that the Department would check compliance unannounced at random locations, to ensure that employees were identifying customers correctly.

The Department also asked all establishments to help police prevent underage drinking and provided each with a poster with the logo “No I.D., No Service, No Exceptions.”

Officers conducted checks on Thursday, May 23, and found all 10 stores were in compliance.

“As a Department we are pleased that our business community shares our focus on keeping alcohol out of the hands of our younger residents,” Chief Columbus said. “The period from Memorial Day to Labor Day is called ‘The 100 Deadliest Days’ for a reason: More young people lose their lives in traffic accidents than at any other time of the year. By working alongside us, our license holders are playing an important role in keeping children safe.”

Tewksbury Police will continue compliance checks throughout May and June.

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