According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 445 pedestrians are injured across the country every day. Tewksbury is not immune to motor vehicle crashes involving pedestrians; there have been many incidents in recent years where pedestrians were seriously injured or killed. The Tewksbury Police Department would like to remind pedestrians and drivers alike to be careful when on the roads.
Some pedestrian safety tips include:
Only cross the street at crosswalks.
Always use the crosswalk signals.
Walk on the sidewalk whenever possible.
Wear reflective clothing or carry a flashlight in the evening or during the late afternoon hours in the fall and winter.
When walking on the road, walk on the shoulder, and always walk facing the traffic.
Put down electronic devices and always look both ways when crossing.
Take your headphones out so you can hear what is around you.
Make eye contact with drivers before crossing to make sure they are aware you are there. Do not assume they will stop just because you are in a crosswalk.
Try to avoid anything that prevents you from being seen by drivers such as large trees, parked cars, buses, etc.
Remember, as it can with driving, alcohol, and drugs can impair your safety when walking.
Police also remind drivers of the following:
If you can not see clearly in the evening or in a storm, slow down so that you can keep your eyes out for pedestrians.
If a vehicle is stopped in front of you, do not rush to pass. A pedestrian could be crossing.
Pay close attention near schools and near neighborhoods as children could be playing outside.
Stop for pedestrians in a crosswalk.
According to Safe Kids Worldwide, the fifth leading cause of injury-related death in the U.S. for children aged 5-19 is unintentional pedestrian injury. Therefore, it is important to speak with your children about the importance of being careful while walking near roads.
Pedestrian safety tips are courtesy of the Dedham Police Department.