Accreditation is a self-initiated process by which police agencies voluntarily strive to meet and maintain standards that have been established for the law enforcement profession by the profession.
The Massachusetts Police Accreditation Commission (M.P.A.C.) oversees the accreditation program in Massachusetts. This program establishes standards on best practices for police agencies to adopt.
Achieving accreditation means that the agency has agreed to M.P.A.C. standards as a way of doing business.
That said, being certified or accredited means that:
- The agency is committed to meeting professional standards.
- The agency is willing to be assessed on a regularly scheduled basis by the Commission-appointed assessors to confirm compliance with professional standards; and
- The agency agrees to correct any deficiencies discovered during the assessment process to establish or re-establish compliance with program standards.
Participation in the Massachusetts Police Accreditation Program is voluntary. Agencies may participate in the program or not, as they wish, and may withdraw from the Program at any time.
The Tewksbury Police Department has voluntarily committed to the accreditation program as established by the Massachusetts Police Accreditation Commission. In October 2023, the Tewksbury Police Department was awarded certification by M.P.A.C. Certification is the first tier in the program, and it sets a department on a path to achieve full accreditation.
In February 2024, the Tewksbury Police Department was awarded accreditation by M.P.A.C. The Tewksbury Police Department was honored to be awarded accreditation. Through a department-wide effort, teamwork, and collaboration the department was able to achieve this tremendous goal. The Tewksbury Police Department will remain committed to this voluntary program in order to maintain its accreditation status.