Automated teller machines (ATM) have become the target of criminal opportunities such as robberies, purse thefts, and other personal crimes. The following is a list of suggestions to help reduce your vulnerabilities and criminal opportunities.
General Rules & Suggestions
Here are some general rules and suggestions to keep in mind when using an ATM:
Treat your ATM card like cash. Always keep your card in a safe place.
Keep your Personal Identification Number (PIN) a secret. Never write your PIN on your card, and don’t store it near your card.
Never give out information about your PIN over the telephone.
Report a lost or stolen card immediately.
Closely monitor your bank statements, as well as your balances, and immediately report any problems to your bank.
At an ATM
When at an ATM:
Always observe your surroundings before conducting an ATM transaction.
Always be aware, alert, and prepared to act when visiting an ATM.
If possible, do not use an outside machine. Use machines that are inside locked.
If you use an outside machine, use one that is well-lit and visible.
Try not to visit a machine alone.
Minimize time spent at the ATM by having your card out and ready.
Don’t just walk up to the machine. Look around for suspicious cars or persons.
If using a drive-up machine, keep your engine running, doors locked, and the windows up while waiting in line. In most cases, a drive-up machine is safest.
If there is any sign of trouble, drive off.
When possible, leave enough room between cars to allow for a fast exit.
Cover PINs so no one can read them.
Do not count or visually display any money you received from the ATM. Immediately put your money into your pocket or purse and count it later.
Don’t leave receipts lying around (take them with you.) Don’t put them in the trash container near the machine.
If anything suspicious happens, cancel your transaction and leave the area. Notify police.
If you are involved in a confrontation with an assailant who demands your money, comply. Notify police.
Don’t select an ATM at the corner of a building – corners create a blind spot. Use an ATM located near the center of a building.
Using ATMs at Night
When at an ATM at night:
Park close to the ATM in a well-lighted area.
Take another person with you, if at all possible.
If the lights at the ATM are not working, don’t use it.
If shrubbery has overgrown or a tree blocks the view, select another ATM and notify your bank.
If you are involved in a confrontation with an assailant who demands your money, comply. Notify police.